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agents and contracts

As soon as agents reopened to queries in January, I was all up in their inboxes. I was so excited to sign my contract with Flux, but I really wanted to have an agent before doing so--someone to guide me through negotiations, someone to support me in my future career. I sent out queries to the rest of the agents on my list and even resent queries to a handful that I had queried early on. I got a handful of full requests right away, as long as a few passes due to my quick turnaround time.

After about a week, I got another exciting email. One of the agents with the full loved OLIVE and said she could see why Flux wanted it. She asked for a phone call to discuss representation two days later.

Everything was so surreal. I had been working toward this goal for almost four years and now things seemed to be happening so fast. It didn't seem real! But I prepared for my call, asking my writing friends for advice on what to ask. I was so nervous that we wouldn't be a fit, but I kept reminding myself that if I didn't sign with an agent, I still had an offer and there were other resources available to negotiate the contract on my own. Luckily, I loved the agent and felt good about working with her. So I signed with Sharon Belcastro from Belcastro Agency!

Sharon took over negotiations with Flux right away and after a few emails back and forth, we had an official contract. I reviewed it with an entertainment attorney in my family and we asked for a few changes per his suggestions. Some Flux agreed to, others they didn't, but I felt good getting input from both my agent and an attorney. And about two months after the initial offer, I signed my contract with Flux!

Now I'm working with my editor (Ashtyn Stann, who is the best) on the first round of edits and I can't believe this is my life. I'm so excited for the world to meet Olive!

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